Terry Hodgkinson's Kempo/Kenpo Connection


Sifu Terry Hodgkinson Portrait by Ed Parker Jr.Terry Hodgkinson Sifu's training in the Kempo/Kenpo martial art lineage began at the age of 14 when he joined Energy Lake Kung Fu Studios. Sifu studied under masters Arnold Ihlen and Brian Kevin Leishman. Hodgkinson devoted his time, attention and dedication completely for 12 years to training, teaching and the study of the I - Ching. During those days, Sifu lived a simple life, very monastic in approach. Having enough money from teaching for living expenses only, not allowed to work a second job or train in another art at that time, he was completely devout to his studies.

Early on, Energy Lake studios provided two streams of study: combative and philosophy, and later on business training. Terry studied combative techniques and business training under Brian Leishman whose lineage and formal training is strongly attributed to Grandmaster Olaf Simon and his Moh Pai Kempo Kung Fu aka Simon's 'Temple' Kung Fu System. In the 12 years that Terry spent with Brian Leishman, knowing him as a friend for the last 3 of the 12 years, Brian never mentioned or demonstrated any evidence in training with any other teacher other than Simon's Temple Kung Fu, Edmonton location. He did however have a vast stockpile of martial arts books held in his personal library. Terry Sifu achieved the same rank master Brian Leishman had achieved when he trained with Simon's 'Temple' Kung Fu, before leaving to found Energy Lake Kung Fu Studios in Ontario.

Formal philosophical training began under Arnold (Bud) Ihlen, who at the time was the philosophy teacher at Energy Lake Studios and introduced Brian and Terry to the I – Ching ( Yi Jing, Book of Changes). To this day, Terry is very appreciative of Mr. Ihlen’s early teachings/contributions and continues to remain in contact with him.

After leaving Brian Leishman’s Energy Lake Kung Fu Studios, Terry co-founded and opened Beyond Kung Fu Studios and founded Chung Fu Martial Arts and Mediation School. Hodgkinson Sifu then trained with other teachers in a variety of different styles and countries of the world. You can see a list here. 

Kempo/Kenpo Lineage Continued:

♦ Terry J. Hodgkinson Sifu founder of Chung Fu Martial Arts trained with Master Brian Kevin Leishman

♦ Master Brian K. Leishmen founder of Energy Lake Kung Fu Studios trained with Grandmaster Olaf Simon's Temple Kung Fu Studios in Edmonton, Canada under Master Phil McAndrews. Leishman excelled in the art and skill of biomechanics (form), he also had a solid grasp on combative principles. At the height of his success, before its collapse, he had 10 franchised Energy Lake Kung Fu Studios across Canada and two national training centres; one in Canmore, Alberta and the other in Kaslo, British Colombia.

Grandmaster Olaf Simon is the founder of the Moh Pai Kempo Kung Fu System and at one time had multiple schools in Canada and the United States. Grandmaster Simon had an association and cross trained with several Chinese Kung Fu stylists living in Canada including Stan Lee (Hung Gar, Wing Chun), Frank Lee (White Crane), Mark Chan (Hung Gar, Five Animal Sil Lum). Simon's first training and business partner was Margitte Hilbig. Master Hilbig was the first woman to earn the rank of black belt in Canada. Both Master Hilbig and Master Simon became affiliated with and cross trained with Grandmaster Ed Parker from the United States. The foundation of Simon's teaching curriculum was from Ed Parker's Kenpo system.

♦ Grandmaster Ed Parker known as the founder of American Kenpo, was taught by Professor William Chow. Ed Parker brought the art to California from Hawaii calling it American Kenpo

Grandmaster William (Kwai Sun) Chow learned from Grandmaster James Mitose. To Chow Kenpo was a war art.  It was pure Martial Arts. He would never compromise. He understood there is no sport in a street fight. He had been in too many.  There are no rules, no referees, and no time out. The rules of self-defense techniques:  simple, direct, fast, powerful and effective. Shortly before his death he renamed his system Kara Ho Kenpo, so that no one would forget that his art Kenpo, originated from China.

Grandmaster Master James (Masayoshi) Mitose brought the art from Japan to Hawaii in the U.S. to be shared for the first time outside his family’s lineage. James Mitose was the 21st Grandmaster under Zeno Yoshida's Kosho ryu Kenpo system.

Grandmaster Zenko Yoshida (1232 to 1297) gave the style it’s name “ Kosho ryu Kenpo” and became the first Grandmaster. The Yoshida’s were warlords (bushi) and were part of the Japanese culture and civilization for over 800 years. So along with embracing the Rinzai sect of Buddhism the Yoshida’s would embrace the Martial Arts of the Shaolin Temple: Kenpo/Kempo/Kosho.

"I come to you with only open hands,

other weapons, I have not.

But should Right or Honor require it

My hands will bear me out."

YOSHIDA Creed 1232 AD

Chinese monks - brought Shaolin Chuan Fa (Kenpo in Japanese) to the Okinawa Island where it mixed with the indigenous art of Okinawa called TI. It then became known as TODI meaning, "Chinese Hand" came into existence and would later become known as Okinawan Karate. it made its way to Japan where it was nurtured, spawned into a variety of different styles and handed down through generations of masters.

Shaolin Temple in Hunan, China is where Kenpo's (Chuan Fa) lineage derived from.

NOTE: Information has been complied through Terry J. Hodgkinson personal experience, personal research as well as in collaboration with other martial arts family related, long time teachers. Special acknowledgment goes to:

Master Trevor Higgs whom I've had the honour and pleasure of conversing with frequently. Maser Higgs trained directly under Grandmasters Magritte Hilbig and Olaf Simon.

Head Instructor Christian Charlton of Zen Tiger Martial Arts for his extensive research and personal experience with Grandmaster Olaf Simon. It's always a pleasure to speak with Mr. Charlton regarding the training and lineage.

Grandmaster Michael J. Persons of Seven Winds Kenpo for his personal experience with Grandmaster Ed Parker as well as his impressive research that includes a number of generations all the way back to Grandmaster Zenko Yoshida in Kenpo.



Other Links 

Terry Hodgkinson's Wudang Lineage

Terry Hodgkinson's other teachers

Terry Hodgkinson's Energy Lake Kung Fu Studios certificates

Terry Hodgkinson's other earned certificates